Pink “Cotton Candy” Smoothie

Of course, featuring no actual cotton candy, duh.  But it is as sweet as cotton candy for sure! 🙂

Yum! and it's pink!

Yum! and it’s pink!

As Summertime approaches, sometimes the cravings for ice cream get unbearably strong.  Though there are plenty of healthyish homemade ice cream recipes out there, we have no ice cream maker (and I have no plan to buy one – after all, we’re frugal, and buying something to use once or twice a year would hardly fit the definition of frugality…), so the next best thing is an all-natural –  AND no sweetener added – supersweet smootie.  This smoothie was so sweet that my Boyfriend actually ended up watering his down. So, if you’re craving a whole foods based sugar fix, read on!


– 1 whole pineapple

– a handfull of blackberries

– several oranges to squeeze into juice

Utensils needed or recommended:

– Blender (I used the blender attachment for my Magic Bullet)

– Citrus juicer (or just squeeze the juice by hand)

– Knife to cut and peel pineapple


1 Peel and slice the pineapple. This is probably the hardest step. To be honest, peeling pineapple makes me feel beyond lazy, but they’re so delicious and nutritious that I force myself to do it 🙂


2 Squeeze the orange juice.  Not much juice is needed.  If you want a thicker smoothie use less juice, if you prefer it more liquid use more.


3 Blend the sliced pnieapple and juice in blender. If you notice, the difference between the above and below pictures is that the top one has chunks of pineapple floating in the blender, and the below picture has the pineapple already in smoothie form.


4 Add a handfull of blackberries.  Besides being the ingredient that makes the smoothie pink, blackberries are also sweet and keep it from tasting just like straight pineapple.


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5 Pour and enjoy! This smoothie tasted as good as it looks!

Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese and copper. Also a good source of vitamin B6, B1, folate andpantothenic acid.  Also, just had to thrown this tidbit in here, my mom suffers from arthritis and told me after she eats a bowl of pineapple she feels like her inflammation goes down. Food for thought.

Blackberries are a great source of vitamin K, also containing vitamin E, niacin and vitamin B6.

Nutrition info sources: and

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